Thursday, April 2, 2009


I love beans!!! Refried beans, black beans, pinto beans, baked beans, green beans, garbanzo beans....the list goes on and on!! Many years ago my dear friend Karen, who I have known practically my whole life, once dubbed me the Bean Queen due to my love of all dishes involving beans...and it just kinda stuck....I have embraced name, and I am proud to be called The Bean Queen! The name has followed me around and new friends that I make learn early on that I will never turn down a plate of beans!! Now I know that not everyone shares my affinity for beans, either due to taste preferences or fear of bodily revolt (not a problem for me anymore!), but there have been people that have gone to great lengths to keep me away from beans! For instance, my Freshman year of college, I had a roommate, Emily, who did not like that I kept cans of refried beans in our shared refrigerator. She claimed that they stunk up the fridge, and even went so far as to have another of our floor mates steal my can of beans and throw them down the stairwell....what did the beans ever do to her?? We ended up having to have mediation over a damn can of Rosarita Jalapeno Refried Beans!!!

So, if you don't love beans as much as I do, don't worry, not every recipe I share or restaurant I try will be focused on beans......just maybe 2 out of 3!!

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