Friday, January 1, 2010

My New Year's Cooking Resolutions!

Happy New Year to you all!  I wish you all good health and happiness as we begin this new decade!  I opted for a low-key New Year's celebration this year by attending a New Year's PJ party hosted by my sister and her roommate.  There ended up being 13 of us sporting our finest pajama's while playing board games, munching on food and drinking champagne.  We all had a lot of fun and even took a moment to go and check out the blue moon (although, it didn't look blue to us). 

I have been enjoying a lazy New Year's day, leaving the house just long enough to go and have lunch with my dad, while spending the rest of it lounging in bed, watching football and catching up on my Google reader.  It dawned on me while browsing some new blogs that I need to step outside of my comfort zone and try some new cooking techniques and products this year, as well as make use of some of my current cookbooks/magazines/gadgets that haven't gotten much love in the past.  So I present to you, my list of kitchen resolutions.

My 2010 New Year's Cooking Resolutions

  1. Learn to make Risotto
  2. Enter at least 1 recipe in a recipe contest
  3. Make something that requires the use of a candy thermometer
  4. Make a fish dish that does not start with fish sticks!
  5. Make at least 1 recipe out of each cooking magazine that I get within a month of it showing up in my mailbox
  6. Make an Indian food dish at home
  7. Try brussel sprouts
Here's to a wonderful 2010!


  1. This risotto recipe is so good: It's not hard, just a lot of stirring.

  2. roast brussel sprouts with olive oil, salt, and pepper- they are delicious!

    you should enter a dip contest!!
