Monday, May 24, 2010

Out of Order

My laptop at home got infected with a nasty virus and decided to not work anymore.  I had my IT friend come over to look at it and he informed me that it had to go home with him for an in depth analysis...which didn't sound good.  So because of this, I haven't been able to post anything new lately, even though I do have some restaurants and recipes to share with you all.  Well, let me take that back, I could post them, but they wouldn't have any pictures since all the pictures are on my laptop; and let's face it, a post about food with no pictures just doesn't quite cut it....and I don't want my reputation tarnished!  I am hoping to get my computer back tomorrow (fingers crossed) and I am also hoping that when I get it back it is in working condition so that I can get back into posting more consistently.

So please bear with me while I deal with having no computer at home (which, by the way really sucks on the weekends....I feel so out of the loop!).  I hope to be back in action soon, especially since with Memorial Day being this weekend there is sure to be food to be made!